it’s been a while but Sian and Annie will be working together again on 23rd February when Annie will direct Sian’s short play, “When Life Brings You Lemons” - a must-see for anyone who has dreamed of living in Greece. The piece will be staged as a script-in-hand performance at “Leaps of Faith”, an evening of new work produced by Frome Writers’ Collective on 29th February. We look forward to seeing you at the Merlin Theatre.
NEWS 2022
Sian has a busy time ahead! She has been asked by Frome Writers’ Collective to organise a script writing group for members of the Collective. So far, there are six participants. The first meeting will be held on 23rd March. Hopefully some new and exciting work will emerge.
On Saturday, 2nd April she will be running An Introduction to Scriptwriting workshop for Strode Book Festival. This will take place at Street Library between 1.30 - 3.30 p.m. Tickets for this and any other Festival event can be booked by telephoning 01458 442 846 or going online to Tickets for one workshop £14 for two workshops £25.
NEWS 2021
In February we received an invitation to take part in two zoom meetings hosted by Take Art to launch its new initiative, Totally Local. Touring performers and companies were able to introduce themselves and put forward ideas for live entertainment to be staged in the Summer of 2021. It was very exciting to to see the depth and breadth of creative talent which exists in the county!
BKTC will not be touring this year but we are in the early stages of making plans for the Summer of 2022. The pandemic has encouraged us to think of new ways to reach audiences and we are exploring the possibilities of producing work in open air venues and perhaps incorporating live music in our show.
These have been desperate times for everyone involved in the entertainment world and we are very grateful to Sarah, Mark and the rest of the Take Art Team who continue to support live performance in the South West.
NEWS 2020
During Lockdown many major theatre companies have moved on-line to stream videos of past productions and we felt inspired to do something similar.
We have made a video of the first piece that BKTC staged; it was presented as part of a Scratch Night organised by The Nuffield Theatre, Southampton which, because of a bomb scare, was actually staged at The Theatre Royal, Portsmouth in 2006.
From this twelve minute monologue, performed by Sally Sanders, Sian developed the full length one-woman show that toured to twenty-five venues in the South West and was seen by over one thousand people.
We know that nothing can replace the magic of live theatre but we sincerely hope that this original version of The Mad Woman in the Attic will make you smile.
You’ll find it on YouTube:
Many thanks to Sally (for enduring the peculiar process of rehearsing via Skype), Sam for making the video, John for his technical advice and, last but by no means least, Eltjo for helping us to include the on-screen credits.
NEWS 2019
To hear Sian talking about her writing career and her on-going projects you can go to the Frome FM website and click on the link to Writers on Radio 28.06.2019.
On the 6th March Celia Muir and Russell Biles took part in a reading of Annie’s play Romancing Miss Bliss, a light-hearted exploration of love, friendship and the world of romance fiction. A good time was had by all and now Annie’s back to working on the play!
Making people smile is a serious business. Annie, Russell, Celia and Sian discuss the script.
NEWS 2018
BKTC's Stage Writing Group continues to meet regularly in Frome. Members are working on the plays featured in last October's Scratch Night, aiming to have complete drafts ready by late Autumn for rehearsed readings - funds permitting.
If you live in or near Frome and would like to try your hand at writing for the theatre contact Sian at
Defender of the Dead started the Hampshire leg of its tour at Forest Forge Theatre Ringwood on the 28th October 2017. The show received some excellent reviews including:
"Complex, vibrant, heart-stopping. Thank you." Audience Member
"Catch it if you can. You will be in for a theatrical treat." Forest Reviews
and we're very grateful to Sharon and the Team for hosting us. The show was then seen by a small but appreciative audience at Hyde Memorial Hall before moving on to Forest Arts, New Milton on the 28th November. Thanks to Helen and the Forest Arts Team who helped make the evening a great success and to Eltjo for a knock-out performance! One audience member wrote in the Comments Book:
"Better than anything we've seen in London."
On the 9th February 2018 Defender of the Dead was seen by a large and enthusiastic audience at the delightful Shelley Theatre, Bournemouth. The final performance took place on the 17th February at The Market Hall, Botley - a venue that doesn't usually stage dramas - a fact that was reflected in the number of people who came to see the show - but, we've broken new ground and hope to return there at sometime in the future!
Eltjo as Zac: Forest Forge Theatre 28.10.2017 Photo:
Many thanks to all the writers and actors who took part in our hugely successful Scratch Night at The Archangel in Frome on Sunday, 15th October. We had a full house and very lively feedback from a discerning, enthusiastic and appreciative audience. The writers are now continuing to work on their scripts and the Frome Stagewriting Group will reconvene its monthly meetings in a couple of weeks. If you'd like to join call Sian on 01373 812793 or email:
Rehearsing for the Scratch Night at The Archangel, Frome
And an enthralled audience
July 2018
The Writer as Public Spetacle!
Last month Sian took part in "Writers in Residence", one of the events presented by Frome Writers' Collective as part of the annual Frome Festival. The challenge set for each writer was to go to a specific venue in the town and write a one thousand word short story prompted by Mary Shelley's observation that "All things must have a beginning". Sian was placed in the window of a dress shop and displayed considerable self-control by managing to concentrate on the job in hand despite being tempted to take a closer look at the merchandise! She chatted to interested members of the public and successfully completed the challenge.
NEWS 2016
Audiences have been riveted by Eltjo de Vries as Zac in Sian’s play, Defender of the Dead which began touring on the 24 th September at The David Hall, South Petherton; with an entertaining script, an engaging performance and the perfect set created by Julie Read the show is proving to be a hit. Its success is also due to the wizardry of John Morris who has joined us as technician.
BKTC are now making plans for 2017.
Eltjo in rehearsals for Defender of the Dead: September 2016
NEWS 2015
Sian’s play, Defender of the Dead, was given a rehearsed reading at the David Hall, South Petherton on the 8th March. This was presented as a work in progress and the audience took part in a lively discussion after the show.
NEWS 2013/2014
Sian has been busy working on BKTC’s proposed 3 Year Plan and is in the process of creating partnerships with arts hubs in the Somerset.
In July War Crimes for the Home, directed by Jeni Draper, adapted by Anne with additional material by Shenagh Govan (who also performed) from the novel by Liz Jensen, played to full houses at Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre Pub, E17. The short run included two BSL signed performances for the deaf and hard of hearing. The show has since been seen at Trowbridge, Bristol and at the Wedover Festival”.
“an acting tour de force”
“Jeni Draper’s direction was excellent”
“a superb and sensitive adaptation”
“your signer Vikki was superb and added to the experience”